region loosely defined by geography and culture, located in south-western
Asia and north-eastern Africa. In most current usage, the term Middle East
refers collectively to Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, and the states and emirates
along the southern and eastern fringes of the Arabian Peninsula, namely,
Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. When used to designate
a so-called culture area, the unity of which is based on Islamic law and
custom, the term Middle East usually embraces a much more extensive region,
stretching from the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east through
all of North Africa, including Sudan and the Maghreb, comprising Libya,
Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. The term Middle East as it is now applied
was first used by the British military command during World War II. The
term Near East, which was formerly used to describe the region, is now
sometimes applied to the central core area encompassing the Mediterranean
region of the Middle East."1
"II ANCIENT PERIOD Since ancient times invaders and traders have crossed the area known as the Middle East in search of food, raw materials, manufactured goods, or political power. Ideas, inventions, and institutions have spread from this area to affect people in all other parts of the world, earning it the name "Cradle of Civilization". The earliest farms, cities, governments, law codes, and alphabets were Middle Eastern. Four of the world's major religions—Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam—began here. "2
"A The Earliest Civilizations
States and governments arose as ancient peoples learnt how to tame the
great rivers of the Middle East—the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, and Indus—to
support agriculture, and elaborated into religions their beliefs about
the universe, human relationships, and the meaning of life and death. The
first such Middle Eastern states were ancient Egypt and Sumer, which began
around or before 3000 BC. Both had powerful kings, priests, scribes, and
large work forces to protect the land from floods or invasions. But invaders
came anyway. Sumer was captured, first by the Semitic Akkadians and Amorites
from the south, and later by various Indo-European peoples from the north,
leading to the formation of the Babylonian Empire in the Tigris-Euphrates
region, or Mesopotamia. Egypt was occupied by a Semitic group called the
Hyksos, but the Egyptians drove them out and built a powerful empire. About
1000 BC new waves of invaders unsettled the region, giving rise to new
kingdoms, in Phoenicia, Israel, and other areas of the Middle East. The
Phoenicians were seafaring traders who developed one of the first alphabets.
The Hebrews were the first people known to believe in one all-powerful
God revealed by sacred writings. The Assyrians, a warlike people who pioneered
the use of iron tools and weapons, conquered a large area from their stronghold
in Mesopotamia. In the 6th century BC the Persians overran the whole Middle
East and set up a system of government which became the model for all later
empires. Sprawling from the Indus to the Nile, Persia could not make its
subjects all think and act alike. It therefore let them keep their beliefs
and practices, as long as they obeyed Persian laws, paid their taxes to
the Persian state, and sent their sons to serve in Persia's armies. Although
tied together by roads, a postal service, and a common governmental language,
the empire's peoples still controlled most of their own affairs. The state
religion was Zoroastrianism, but other faiths were tolerated. In the 4th
century BC Persia, weakened by revolts and internal conflicts, was conquered
by Alexander the Great of Macedonia. "3
"B Hellenistic and Roman
Times Alexander's conquest started a millennium in which the
Middle East was part of the Hellenistic (culturally Greek) world. Greek
culture was mixed with local ways, as Alexander borrowed ideas and customs,
as well as clerks and soldiers, from the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and
Persians. Egypt's port, Alexandria, became a centre of trade and culture,
a lasting monument to the conqueror who founded it and after whom it was
named. As Macedonian power waned, the Romans conquered most of the Middle
East, but Persia remained independent under two ruling dynasties: the Parthians
(248 BC-AD 226) and the Sassanids (AD 226-641). Roman rule brought uniform
laws, good roads, and trade to Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor. Several Middle
Eastern religions—Judaism, then Christianity, and the cult of Mithraism—competed
for adherents throughout the Roman Empire. Christianity prevailed in the
early 4th century AD. Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman
emperor, stressed the empire's Eastern ties by moving his capital to Byzantium,
a port on the Bosporus. Renamed Constantinople, it became a great city
and was the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire for more
than a thousand years. "4
7th century, Prophet Muhammad, ( led peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.
He founded a community of believers who called themselves Muslims ("those
who surrender" to God's will) and their faith Islam ("surrender"). By the
time of the Prophet's death (632), his doctrines, based on Judaeo-Christian
and Arabian traditions, had been widely accepted among the Arab tribes.
A Arab Dominion Muhammad's successors, called caliphs, led
the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula in a series of thrusts into Syria,
Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt, expanding greatly the realm of Islam. These
Arab conquests were aided by the anger of many Middle Eastern Christians,
Jews, and Zoroastrians at the persecution they had suffered under the Byzantine
Empire (which lost much of its territory) or Sassanid Persia (which was
totally absorbed by the Arabs). The early caliphs tolerated non-Muslims,
as long as they paid taxes and did not rebel. Few of the conquered peoples
converted to Islam at once, but centuries of intermarriage and conversion
eventually made the area predominantly Muslim. The Caliphate was controlled
by two successive dynasties: the Umayyads (661-750), who governed from
Damascus, and the Abbasids (750-1258), who usually ruled in Baghdâd.
With help from the peninsular Arab peoples, the Umayyads conquered North
Africa, Spain, and Central Asia. The Abbasids promoted commerce and culture,
giving non-Arab converts equal status with Arab Muslims, but they lost
control of the outlying areas. New dynasties arose. By 945 the Abbasids
no longer controlled even their own capital. Iranians and Turks took over,
as the Arab tribes returned to the desert. Despite political division,
however, manufacturing and trade flourished, along with scholarship, the
sciences, and the arts. "5
"B Turkish and Iranian
Hegemony Beginning in the 10th century, the Middle East was invaded
by Turks from Central Asia. They adopted the faith, laws, and culture of
local Muslims and soon governed most of their lands. One dynasty, the Ghaznavids
(962-1186), spread Islam throughout India. Another, the Seljuks (1040-1302),
took Asia Minor from the Byzantines in 1071. The Turkish invasion helped
spark the Crusades, bringing European forces to the eastern shore of the
Mediterranean and to Jerusalem to fight and pillage in the name of Christianity.
More harmful to Islam was the 13th-century Mongol invasion, which destroyed
much of Iraq and Iran. A group of slave-soldiers, the Mamelukes of Egypt,
stopped the Mongol advance in 1260. Although the Mamelukes and various
Mongol groups formed powerful states in the following centuries, the greatest
and longest lasting was the Ottoman Empire. Starting in the western hills
of Asia Minor, Turkish tribes led by Osman and his sons raided and seized
Byzantine lands, first in Asia, then in south-eastern Europe. In 1453 they
took Constantinople. Renamed Ýstanbul, it became the capital for
the descendants of Osman, or Ottomans. Their conquests continued until
their empire stretched from Hungary in the north to Yemen in the south,
and from Algeria in the west to the Iranian border in the east. They tried
to conquer Iran as well, but were repelled by that country's Safavid dynasty
(1502-1736). "6
"C European Domination After
the 16th century, the great Muslim empires declined. The Ottomans lost
European lands to Austria and Russia; the Safavids lost their entire country.
Iran's revival in the 18th century under Nadir Shah was followed by years
of decay. The Ottoman Empire lasted longer because Russia and the other
European powers could not agree on how to divide it. Some 19th-century
Ottoman rulers tried to Westernize their army and administration, and the
influx of European experts, entrepreneurs, and technology changed many
aspects of Ottoman society. Many Muslims, suspicious of the West, resisted
the changes. Other Muslims were influenced by the nationalistic and democratic
beliefs of the Europeans. The Ottoman province in which Westernization
went furthest was Egypt. Muhammad Ali, who ruled the country as viceroy
from 1805 to 1849, revolutionized Egypt's economy, introducing such crops
as sugar and cotton, installing mills and factories, building roads and
canals, and importing Western technicians and teachers. His successors,
however, were unable to maintain their independence, and after 1882 Egypt
fell under British control. Iran lagged behind in Westernization. Russia
took some of its northern lands, and other Western countries tried to take
control of its finances and natural resources. The struggle by Britain
and Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to control Iran resulted
in the country being divided into spheres of influence. Iranian nationalists,
angered at foreign intervention and at the corruption of Iran's weak rulers,
in 1906 forced the reigning Shah to establish a national assembly which
drew up a liberal constitution. The discovery of oil in south-western Iran
at the turn of the century was hardly noticed, although the British would
draw on it heavily in two world wars. In fact, this resource, found in
increasing quantities throughout the Middle East during the following decades,
would gradually assume overriding importance—not only to the countries
of the region but even more to the industrialized nations of the West."7
"D The 20th Century
At the start of the 20th century it looked as if the entire Middle East
would fall under European control. When the Turks sided with Germany in
World War I, Britain helped the Arabs revolt against Turkish rule. After
Germany and Turkey were defeated in 1918, the Arabs hoped to form states
in Syria, Iraq, and western Arabia. The British, however, had already agreed
to give Syria to France and to support a Jewish national home in Palestine.
The League of Nations assigned Syria to France and mandated both Palestine
and Iraq to Britain. Egypt, under a British protectorate since 1914, demanded
independence. This was granted in 1922, but Britain still controlled many
aspects of Egypt's government. The tide began to turn when the Turkish-speaking
remnant of the Ottoman Empire rose from the humiliation of defeat. The
soldier and nationalist leader, Mustafa Kemal (later Atatürk; "Father
of Turkey"), defended Turkey against a Greek invasion, compelled the Western
powers to rewrite the Treaty of Sèvres which had been forced on
the Ottoman Empire, and transformed Turkey into a secular republic. In
Iran an army officer, Reza Shah Pahlavi, seized power in 1921 and, following
his abdication in 1941, his son Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi tried to imitate
Kemal's reforms. In the 1930s and 1940s most Arab countries became independent
from Britain or France, riding on a regional Arab nationalism. In Palestine,
however, rising Jewish immigration sparked protest riots by the Arab majority,
who feared that the Jews would soon take control (see Zionism). British
attempts to curb immigration angered Palestinian Jews, who rebelled against
the government during and after World War II. The United Nations voted
in 1947 to divide Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs, but all Arab
states rejected the plan. In 1948, when British troops withdrew from Palestine,
the Jews declared the independent state of Israel. The Arab states attacked
Israel, unsuccessfully, and most of Palestine's Arab inhabitants fled to
Jordan and other neighbouring states. Numerous wars and more than four
decades later, the Palestinian problem was still unsolved. Arab-Israeli
relations remained hostile, although Egypt and Israel signed a separate
peace accord in 1979. The breakup of the old Soviet Union in 1991 led to
a decline in Russian sponsorship of Arab governments and the emergence
of new Muslim-dominated states on the northern fringes of the Middle East,
opening new economic and cultural opportunities in Central Asia for Middle
Eastern countries. "8
" Conflicts during the 1980s and early 1990s included Israeli and Syrian
interventions in Lebanon, already racked by factional fighting; the brutal
Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988; and the Gulf War, in which a multinational
coalition liberated Kuwait, which had been occupied by Iraq in 1990. The
Gulf War triggered an insurrection by the Kurdish minority in northern
Iraq, which eventually resulted in a Kurdish safe haven being established
there with Western assistance. Turkey made occasional forays into this
region in the course of its continuing conflict with rebels in its own
Kurdish minority population. Underlying trends during this period were
the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism, most notably in Iran but also
in Egypt, Turkey, and, in the wider Middle East, Sudan and Algeria. The
industrialized nations continued to be largely dependent on Middle Eastern
oil, giving the region a pivotal role in the world's economy that was frequently
undermined by disagreements among the oil-producing states on pricing policy
and production levels (see Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).
For more than four decades after 1945 the United States and the Soviet
Union vied for influence in the region, with the United States generally
supporting Israel and the Soviet Union backing certain Arab states. In
October 1991, however, the two superpowers joined in sponsoring the first
comprehensive Middle East peace conference. In September 1993, the violent
Arab-Israeli conflict took a surprising turn when Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasir
Arafat agreed to the signing of an historic peace accord. The longtime
enemies travelled to the United States for the signing of the treaty, which
paved the way for limited Palestinian self-rule in Israeli-occupied territories
of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In May 1994 Israeli soldiers completed
their withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho;
two months later Arafat arrived in the Gaza Strip for his first visit to
self-rule areas. In July 1994 Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan signed a
peace agreement laying the groundwork for a formal peace treaty. The agreement
also called for economic cooperation between the two countries. Peace talks
with Syria, which had been broken off after the February 1994 massacre
of 29 Palestinians in the Hebron mosque by an Israeli extremist, resumed
in 1995. In November 1995 the assassination of President Rabin by a right-wing
Israeli fanatic slowed the peace process. Nevertheless, in January 1996
free elections were held within the newly semi-autonomous Palestinian territories
of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to create a Palestinian National Council,
and Yasir Arafat was elected President of Palestine. The election of the
right-winger Binyamin Netanyahu as Israel's new President in April 1996
severely handicapped Arab-Israeli dialogue and stalled the peace process.
Israeli relations with Arab states were severely strained in September
1996, when Israel's opening of a controversial access tunnel under the
Old City in Jerusalem ignited widespread clashes between Palestinians and
Israelis, and again in March 1997, when Israel began the construction of
a new Jewish settlement at Har Homa in Jerusalem. Throughout the rest of
1997 and the first half of 1998 there was a lack of progress in reinvigorating
the stalled Middle East peace talks. Despite separate visits to the United
States by Netanyahu and Arafat for rounds of talks with Bill Clinton, the
issue of Israeli troop redeployment in the West Bank remained a stumbling
block. In October 1998 Netanyahu finally concluded a new peace agreement
with the Palestinians, but suspended it soon after. In December he was
forced to call a general election for May 1999. In February 1999 King Hussein
of Jordan died and was succeeded by his son as King Abdullah II. Netanyahu
lost the May 1999 Israeli general election to Ehud Barak and the Labour
Party. "9
"III HISTORY The Canaanites were
the earliest known inhabitants of Palestine. During the 3rd millennium
BC they became urbanized and lived in city-states, one of which was Jericho.
They developed an alphabet from which other writing systems were derived;
their religion was a major influence on the beliefs and practices of Judaism,
and thus on Christianity and Islam. Palestine's location—at the centre
of routes linking three continents—made it the meeting place for religious
and cultural influences from Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor.
It was also the natural battleground for the great powers of the region
and subject to domination by adjacent empires, beginning with Egypt in
the 3rd millennium BC. Egyptian hegemony and Canaanite autonomy were constantly
challenged during the 2nd millennium BC by such ethnically diverse invaders
as the Amorites, Hittites, and Hurrians. These invaders, however, were
defeated by the Egyptians and absorbed by the Canaanites, who at that time
may have numbered about 200,000. As Egyptian power began to weaken after
the 14th century BC, new invaders appeared: the Hebrews, a group of Semitic
tribes from Mesopotamia, and the Philistines (after whom the country was
later named), an Aegean people of Indo-European stock. "11
"A The Israelite Kingdom
Hebrew tribes probably migrated to the area centuries before Moses led
his people out of serfdom in Egypt (c. 1270 BC), and Joshua conquered parts
of Palestine (c. 1230 BC). The conquerors settled in the hill country,
but they were unable to conquer all of Palestine. The Israelites, a confederation
of Hebrew tribes, finally defeated the Canaanites about 1125 BC but found
the struggle with the Philistines more difficult. The Philistines had established
an independent state on the southern coast of Palestine and controlled
a number of towns to the north and east. Superior in military organization
and using iron weapons, they severely defeated the Israelites about 1050
BC. The Philistine threat forced the Jews to unite and establish a monarchy.
David, Israel's great king, finally defeated the Philistines shortly after
1000 BC, and they eventually assimilated with the Canaanites. The unity
of Israel and the feebleness of adjacent empires enabled David to establish
a large independent state, with its capital at Jerusalem. Under David's
son and successor, Solomon, Israel enjoyed peace and prosperity, but at
his death in 922 BC the kingdom was divided into Israel in the north and
Judah in the south. When nearby empires resumed their expansion, the divided
Israelites could no longer maintain their independence. Israel fell to
Assyria in 722 and 721 BC, and Judah was conquered in 586 BC by Babylonia,
which destroyed Jerusalem and exiled most of the Jews living there."12
"B Persian Rule The exiled
Jews were allowed to retain their national and religious identity; some
of their best theological writings and many historical books of the Old
Testament were written during their exile. At the same time they did not
forget the land of Israel. When Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylonia
in 539 BC he permitted them to return to Judaea, a district of Palestine.
Under Persian rule the Jews were allowed considerable autonomy. They rebuilt
the walls of Jerusalem and codified the Mosaic law, the Torah, which became
the code of social life and religious observance. The Jews believed they
were bound to a universal God, Yahweh, by a covenant; indeed, their concept
of one ethical God is perhaps Judaism's greatest contribution to world
civilization. C Roman Province Persian domination of Palestine
was replaced by Greek rule when Alexander the Great of Macedonia took the
region in 333 BC. Alexander's successors, the Ptolemies of Egypt and the
Seleucids of Syria, continued to rule the country. The Seleucids tried
to impose Hellenistic (Greek) culture and religion on the population. In
the 2nd century BC, however, the Jews revolted under the Maccabees and
set up an independent state (141-63 BC) until Pompey the Great conquered
Palestine for Rome and made it a province ruled by Jewish kings. It was
during the rule (37-4 BC) of King Herod the Great that Jesus was born.
Two more Jewish revolts erupted and were suppressed—in AD 66 to 73 and
132 to 135. After the second one, numerous Jews were killed, many were
sold into slavery, and the rest were not allowed to visit Jerusalem. Judaea
was renamed Syria Palaistina. Palestine received special attention when
the Roman emperor Constantine the Great legalized Christianity in AD 313.
His mother, St Helena, visited Jerusalem, and Palestine, as the Holy Land,
became a focus of Christian pilgrimage. A golden age of prosperity, security,
and culture followed. Most of the population became Hellenized and Christianized.
Byzantine (Roman) rule was interrupted, however, by a brief Persian occupation
(614-629) and ended altogether when Muslim Arab armies invaded Palestine
and captured Jerusalem in AD 638."13
"D The Arab Caliphate The Arab conquest began 1,300 years of
Muslim presence in what then became known as Filastin. Palestine was holy
to Muslims because the prophet Muhammad had designated Jerusalem as the
first kiblah (the direction Muslims face when praying) and because he was
believed to have ascended on a night journey to heaven from the area of
Solomon's temple, where the Dome of the Rock was later built. Jerusalem
became the third holiest city of Islam. The Muslim rulers did not force
their religion on the Palestinians, and more than a century passed before
the majority converted to Islam. The remaining Christians and Jews were
considered "People of the Book". They were allowed autonomous control in
their communities and guaranteed security and freedom of worship. Such
tolerance (with few exceptions) was rare in the history of religion. Most
Palestinians also adopted Arabic and Islamic culture. Palestine benefited
from the empire's trade and from its religious significance during the
first Muslim caliphate dynasty, the Umayyads of Damascus. When power shifted
to Baghdâd with the Abbasids in 750, Palestine became neglected.
It suffered unrest and successive domination by Seljuks, Fatimids, and
Europeans during the Crusades. It shared, however, in the glory of Muslim
civilization, when the Muslim world enjoyed a golden age of science, art,
philosophy, and literature. Muslims preserved Greek learning and broke
new ground in several fields, all of which later contributed to the Renaissance
in Europe. Like the rest of the empire, however, Palestine under the Mamelukes
gradually stagnated and declined. E Ottoman Rule The Ottoman Empire
of Asia Minor defeated the Mamelukes in 1517 and, with few interruptions,
ruled Palestine until the winter of 1917 and 1918. The country was divided
into several districts (sanjaks), such as that of Jerusalem. The administration
of the districts was placed largely in the hands of Arabized Palestinians,
who were descendants of the Canaanites and successive settlers. The Christian
and Jewish communities, however, were allowed a large measure of autonomy.
Palestine shared in the glory of the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century,
but declined again when the empire began to decline in the 17th century.
The decline of Palestine—in trade, agriculture, and population—continued
until the 19th century. At that time the search by European powers for
raw materials and markets, as well as their strategic interests, brought
them to the Middle East, stimulating economic and social development. Between
1831 and 1840, Muhammad Ali, the modernizing viceroy of Egypt, expanded
his rule to Palestine. His policies modified the feudal order, increased
agriculture, and improved education. The Ottoman Empire reasserted its
authority in 1840, instituting its own reforms. German settlers and Jewish
immigrants in the 1880s brought modern machinery and badly needed capital.
The rise of European nationalism in the 19th century, and especially the
intensification of anti-Semitism during the 1880s, encouraged European
Jews to seek haven in their "promised land", Palestine. Theodor Herzl,
author of The Jewish State (1896; translated 1896), founded the World Zionist
Organization in 1897 to solve Europe's "Jewish problem" through Zionism.
As a result, Jewish immigration to Palestine greatly increased. In 1880,
Arab Palestinians constituted about 95 per cent of the total population
of 450,000. Nevertheless, Jewish immigration, land purchase, and claims
were reacted to with alarm by some Palestinian leaders, who then became
adamantly opposed to Zionism."14
"F The British Mandate
Aided by the Arabs, the British captured Palestine from the Ottoman Turks
in 1917 and 1918. The Arabs revolted against the Turks because the British
had promised them, in correspondence (1915-1916) with Husein ibn Ali of
Mecca, the independence of their countries after the war. Britain, however,
also made other, conflicting commitments. Thus, in the secret Sykes-Picot
agreement with France and Russia (1916), it promised to divide and rule
the region with its allies. In a third agreement, the Balfour Declaration
of 1917, Britain promised the Jews, whose help it needed in the war effort,
a Jewish "national home" in Palestine. This promise was subsequently incorporated
in the mandate conferred on Britain by the League of Nations in 1922. During
their mandate (1922-1948) the British found their contradictory promises
to the Jewish and Palestinian communities difficult to reconcile. The Zionists
envisaged large-scale Jewish immigration, and some spoke of a Jewish state
constituting all of Palestine. The Palestinians, however, rejected Britain's
right to promise their country to a third party and feared dispossession
by the Zionists; anti-Zionist attacks occurred in Jerusalem (1920) and
Jaffa (1921). A 1922 statement of British policy denied Zionist claims
to all of Palestine and limited Jewish immigration, but reaffirmed support
for a Jewish national home. The British proposed establishing a legislative
council, but Palestinians rejected this council as discriminatory. After
1928, when Jewish immigration increased somewhat, British policy on the
subject seesawed under conflicting Arab-Jewish pressures. Immigration rose
sharply after the installation (1933) of the National Socialist regime
in Germany; in 1935 nearly 62,000 Jews entered Palestine. Fear of Jewish
domination was the principal cause of the Arab revolt that broke out in
1936 and continued intermittently until 1939. By that time Britain had
again restricted Jewish immigration and purchases of land. "15
"G The Post-World War II Period
The struggle for Palestine, which abated during World War II, resumed in
1945. The horrors of the Holocaust produced world sympathy for European
Jewry and for Zionism, and although Britain still refused to admit 100,000
Jewish survivors to Palestine, many survivors of the Nazi death camps found
their way there illegally. Various plans for solving the Palestine problem
were rejected by one party or the other. Britain finally declared the mandate
unworkable and turned the problem over to the United Nations in April 1947.
The Jews and the Palestinians prepared for a showdown. Although the Palestinians
outnumbered the Jews (1,300,000 to 600,000), the latter were better prepared.
They had a semi-autonomous government, led by David Ben-Gurion, and their
military, the Haganah, was well trained and experienced. The Palestinians,
on the other hand, had never recovered from the Arab revolt, and most of
their leaders were in exile. The Mufti of Jerusalem, their principal spokesman,
refused to accept Jewish statehood. When the UN proposed partition in November
1947, he rejected the plan while the Jews accepted it. In the military
struggle that followed, the Palestinians were defeated. Terrorism was used
on both sides. The state of Israel was established on May 14, 1948. Five
Arab armies, coming to the aid of the Palestinians, immediately attacked
it. Israeli forces defeated the Arab armies, and Israel enlarged its territory.
Jordan took the West Bank of the River Jordan, and Egypt took the Gaza
Strip. The war produced 780,000 Palestinian refugees. About half probably
left out of fear and panic, while the rest were forced out to make room
for Jewish immigrants from Europe and from the Arab world. The disinherited
Palestinians spread throughout the neighbouring countries, where they have
maintained their Palestinian national identity and the desire to return
to their homeland. The Palastine Liberation Organization became their governing
authority. In 1967, during the Six-Day War between Israel and neighbouring
Arab countries, Israel captured the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well
as other areas. In 1993, after decades of violent conflict between Palestinians
and Israelis, leaders from each side agreed to the signing of an historic
peace accord. Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat and
Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin met in the United States on September
13, 1993, to witness the signing of the agreement. The plan called for
Palestinian self-rule in Israeli-occupied territories, beginning with the
Gaza Strip and Jericho. Palestinian administration of these areas began
in May 1994. "16
Middle East Peace Accord, 1993 (Illustration),